1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 | { "weatherinfo" : { "city" : "广州" , "city_en" : "guangzhou" , "date_y" : "2013年2月27日" , "date" : "" , "week" : "星期三" , "fchh" : "11" , "cityid" : "101280101" , <!-- 从今天开始到第六天的每天的天气情况,这里的温度是摄氏温度 --> "temp1" : "25℃~19℃" , "temp2" : "24℃~19℃" , "temp3" : "25℃~13℃" , "temp4" : "22℃~11℃" , "temp5" : "16℃~9℃" , "temp6" : "20℃~11℃" , <!-- 从今天开始到第六天的每天的天气情况,这里的温度是华氏温度 --> "tempF1" : "77℉~66.2℉" , "tempF2" : "75.2℉~66.2℉" , "tempF3" : "77℉~55.4℉" , "tempF4" : "71.6℉~51.8℉" , "tempF5" : "60.8℉~48.2℉" , "tempF6" : "68℉~51.8℉" , <!-- 天气描述 --> "weather1" : "阴" , "weather2" : "阴" , "weather3" : "阴转小雨" , "weather4" : "小雨" , "weather5" : "阴转晴" , "weather6" : "晴" , <!-- 天气描述图片序号 --> "img1" : "2" , "img2" : "99" , "img3" : "2" , "img4" : "99" , "img5" : "2" , "img6" : "7" , "img7" : "7" , "img8" : "99" , "img9" : "2" , "img10" : "0" , "img11" : "0" , "img12" : "99" , "img_single" : "2" , <!-- 图片名称 --> "img_title1" : "阴" , "img_title2" : "阴" , "img_title3" : "阴" , "img_title4" : "阴" , "img_title5" : "阴" , "img_title6" : "小雨" , "img_title7" : "小雨" , "img_title8" : "小雨" , "img_title9" : "阴" , "img_title10" : "晴" , "img_title11" : "晴" , "img_title12" : "晴" , "img_title_single" : "阴" , <!-- 风速描述 --> "wind1" : "微风" , "wind2" : "微风" , "wind3" : "微风转北风4-5级" , "wind4" : "北风4-5级转3-4级" , "wind5" : "微风" , "wind6" : "微风" , <!-- 风速级别描述 --> "fx1" : "微风" , "fx2" : "微风" , "fl1" : "小于3级" , "fl2" : "小于3级" , "fl3" : "小于3级转4-5级" , "fl4" : "4-5级转3-4级" , "fl5" : "小于3级" , "fl6" : "小于3级" , <!-- 今天穿衣指数 --> "index" : "舒适" , "index_d" : "建议着长袖T恤、衬衫加单裤等服装。年老体弱者宜着针织长袖衬衫、马甲和长裤。" , <!-- 48小时穿衣指数 --> "index48" : "舒适" , "index48_d" : "建议着长袖T恤、衬衫加单裤等服装。年老体弱者宜着针织长袖衬衫、马甲和长裤。" , <!-- 紫外线及48小时紫外线 --> "index_uv" : "最弱" , "index48_uv" : "最弱" , <!-- 洗车 --> "index_xc" : "较适宜" , <!-- 旅游 --> "index_tr" : "适宜" , <!-- 舒适指数 --> "index_co" : "舒适" , "st1" : "26" , "st2" : "18" , "st3" : "25" , "st4" : "18" , "st5" : "26" , "st6" : "9" , <!-- 晨练 --> "index_cl" : "较适宜" , <!-- 晾晒 --> "index_ls" : "不太适宜" , <!-- 过敏 --> "index_ag" : "极不易发" } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | <!--?php $weather_code = array ( '北京' =--> 101010100, '重庆' => 101040100, '上海' => 101020100, '天津' => 101030100, '澳门' => 101330101, '香港' => 101320101, '合肥' => 101220101, '蚌埠' => 101220201, '芜湖' => 101220301, '淮南' => 101220401, '马鞍山' => 101220501, '安庆' => 101220601, '宿州' => 101220701 ); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | /** * getWeather * @param $keyword * @return unknown */ function getWeather( $keyword ) { include 'weather_code.php' ; $code = $weather_code [ $keyword ]; $url = "" . $code . ".html" ; $file = file_get_contents ( $url ); $obj =json_decode( $file ); $weatherinfo = $obj -> weatherinfo; $city = $weatherinfo -> city; $temp1 = $weatherinfo ->temp1; $temp2 = $weatherinfo ->temp2; $temp3 = $weatherinfo ->temp3; $img1 = $weatherinfo ->img1; $img2 = $weatherinfo ->img3; $img3 = $weatherinfo ->img5; $weather1 = $weatherinfo ->weather1; $weather2 = $weatherinfo ->weather2; $weather3 = $weatherinfo ->weather3; $wind1 = $weatherinfo ->wind1; $wind2 = $weatherinfo ->wind2; $wind3 = $weatherinfo ->wind3; $index = $weatherinfo ->index; $index_d = $weatherinfo ->index_d; $date_y = $weatherinfo ->date_y; $week = $weatherinfo ->week; $array = array ( array ( "title" => $city . " " . $week . " " . $temp1 . " " . $weather1 , "des" => "testdes" , "pic" => "" ), array ( "title" => $index_d , "des" => "testdes" ), array ( "title" => date ( "Y年m月d日" ). " " . $temp1 . " " . $weather1 . " " . $wind1 , "des" => "testdes" , "pic" => "" . $img1 . ".png" ), array ( "title" => date ( "Y年m月d日" , strtotime ( "+1 day" )). " " . $temp2 . " " . $weather2 . " " . $wind2 , "des" => "testdes" , "pic" => "" . $img2 . ".png" ), array ( "title" => date ( "Y年m月d日" , strtotime ( "+2 day" )). " " . $temp3 . " " . $weather3 . " " . $wind3 , "des" => "testdes" , "pic" => "" . $img3 . ".png" ), ); return $array ; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 | public function responseImgMsg() { //get post data, May be due to the different environments $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ]; //extract post data if (! empty ( $postStr )){ $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA); $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName; $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName; $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content); $time = time(); $textHaderTpl = " <![CDATA[%s]]> <![CDATA[%s]]> %s <![CDATA[news]]> %d "; $textContentTpl = " <![CDATA[%s]]> <![CDATA[%s]]> <![CDATA[%s]]> <![CDATA[%s]]> "; $textFooterTpl = " 1 "; if (! empty ( $keyword )) { $msgType = "news" ; // 判断是否首次关注 if ( $keyword == "Hello2BizUser" ) { } else { $array = getWeather( $keyword ); $resultHaderStr = sprintf( $textHaderTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , count ( $array )); foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) { $resultContentStr .= sprintf( $textContentTpl , $value [ 'title' ], $value [ 'des' ], $value [ 'pic' ], $value [ 'url' ]); } $resultFooterStr = sprintf( $textFooterTpl ); echo $resultStr = $resultHaderStr , $resultContentStr , $resultFooterStr ; } } else { echo "Input something..." ; } } else { echo "" ; exit ; } } |